Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stand still, and Consider the Wondrous Works of God

David A. Bednar explains the Lord's tender mercies as "the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ."

I would like to share a tender mercy that the Lord blessed me with this weekend. Some of you are already aware of the struggle I have had with getting to church since I came to Korea. For those who are not, let me reassure you that I did have a strong desire to go to church. However the adversary was really trying me. Today was certainly no exception.

My first Sunday here, I looked up the nearest building online, packed up my scriptures, and headed off to church. Unfortunately I had yet to learn that a new building had just opened and the one I went to was no longer use, with the exception of missionaries using it to teach.

Second Sunday, I had no clue where to go. Again.

Third Sunday, I had a new address and took a taxi so I wouldn't get lost. I was so relieved when the taxi driver pulled up to this building:

Well, turns out I was once again at the wrong building. This was another old building recently put out of use due to the new building. Frustrated but still wanting to get to church, I hunted down a payphone, called an elder's number I came across, got the correct address, hailed another taxi, and at last made it to the correct building:

This building is huge and beautiful. It's also so new that it still has a "Grand Open" sign! At last, I knew I just had to be in the right place. I made it right in time for the sacrament and there were a couple girls from the US visiting family who translated for me. So blessed!

ANYWAY! Fourth Sunday (today), I figured it would be smooth sailing. I made it there once, I could make it there again without a hitch, right? Wrong! 

I wake up to my alarm clock playing the foreigner radio station. The first thing I hear: "It has been officially declared that today is the beginning of rainy season." After crawling out of bed, I peek out the window and witness the downpour. Determined to make it to church, and comforted by the fact that I know the location this time, I get dressed and head out the door into the rain. 

Alas, without proper footwear for the torrential downpour, my feet get soaked to the bone, I am discouraged, and I go back home.


Here's what really happened. The day before, I was exploring downtown with some friends when we passed by a shop with rain boots on display. Knowing I would need them eventually (and knowing I would be cursing my past self if I didn't have a pair for the first big rain), I stopped inside and bought a pair.

Aww yeah! Check 'em out!

I of course could not foresee that the very next day would be the day I would need them. Yes, I did hear that announcement on the radio and yes, it truly was down pouring. In addition, it took me like 20 minutes to hail a taxi! And when I finally did, I showed the taxi driver the address for the church but he said he didn't know where it was! Running late, I hopped on the subway. Naturally, I had just missed it so I had to wait. I ended up being over half an hour late to church...but I made it!

Long story short (too late) I feel so blessed by the Lord that I had my rain boots today. I was stressed and frustrated this morning that, once again, getting to church had more than one stumbling block. However, being guided by the Lord to get rain boots when I did made my journey a little easier. It was as if the Lord was saying, "Hey, getting to church is going to be as stressful as the last three weeks but it's going to be very rainy this time so I will make your burden more bearable." 

I know the Lord blessed me today with strength, guidance, protection, and assurance--through something as seemingly simple as bright blue rain boots. 


  1. Awesome boots, and they had your size! Enjoy (lol) monsoon season!

  2. It was the largest size they had and they fit perfectly! I will definitely tolerate monsoon season a little better with my boots
